We are aware of the heightened level of stress that world events such as what is going on in Ukraine can bring to each of us. We’ve been asked, “What can we do to prepare?” While we all know that you can’t prepare for everything, taking small steps in personal preparedness can be empowering and…
Category: EMA News
Aroostook County EMA News and Information
National Incident Management System
Overview for Senior Officials (Executives, Elected, and Appointed) Three Opportunities Available – Virtual Delivery via Zoom
2021 Aroostook County Hazard Mitigation Plan 2021
Are you a retired medical worker or someone who has time that would like to help during a disaster? Signing up for this program does NOT commit you, it simply puts you in a database that would get you information when there is a need. You decide if you are available or not when it…
Maine Basic Emergency Manager Training Program
Anyone wanting to learn more about Emergency Management or Local EMA Directors that want to excel should check into this recognition program. Feel free to reach out to us with suggestions. The Maine County Directors Council has updated their Maine Basic Emergency Manager 1 & 2 program. This is a great way for people to…
FLU VACCINE: Is it time for one?
Now’s the time to get your flu shot. The flu shot is covered for people with Medicare from providers that accept Medicare or your Medicare plan. You can safely get a flu vaccine at your doctor’s office, pharmacy, or other local provider. The flu can be very serious for people who are 65 years and older….
We invite your community to join!
Plan to be Prepared.
Aroostook County Flood Watch 2024
Follow us on Facebook at the link below for daily updates on County Flood Conditions:https://www.facebook.com/Aroostook-County-Flood-Watch-643083355864118/