Thank You to the Limestone Community School for inviting AKEMA to their Educational Fair held last night. We had a great time interacting with the students, staff, families and community of Limestone. The kids loved the safety whistles and flashlights we handed out. Until next time, Stay Safe!
Text to 9-1-1
Text to 9-1-1 Text to 9-1-1 is now available in Maine. A 9-1-1 voice call is always the fastest way to get the help, but if you can’t, texting is your next best option. Tips for Texting 9-1-1 If you are driving, safely pull over the vehicle before texting!
Take these steps now to prevent black bears from coming to your yard!
When natural foods are scarce, especially in the spring or dry summers, bears will venture into backyards and fields in search of easily accessible food such as bird feeders, garbage, grills and pet foods. While hundreds of conflicts between bears and people are reported each year in Maine, many can be prevented by simply removing…
Do your part to keep Maine’s ATV trails open for generations to come:
With thousands of miles of beautiful trails across the state, we know you are looking forward to riding! Please remember that many of Maine’s ATV trails do not open until after Memorial Day weekend and several trails will remain closed for an extended period due to storm damage. Always check with the local club to…
AKEMA Speaks at Aroostook Area on Aging Civic Engagement 2024
Thank You to the Aroostook Agency on Aging for allowing us to participate in their Civic Engagement 2024, County Government, round table discussions. Citizens are more aware as to what Aroostook County Emergency Management Agency does for our County and State. We spoke on topics such as Preparedness, Mitigation, Response and Recovery in the field…
Generator Safety Tips!!!
Generators are emergency equipment that provide a secondary source of power when there is an electric failure. Generators can be helpful during a power outage, but they present serious health and safety concerns. Safety Tips Be sure to read the manufacturer’s instructions on how to use the generator. Carbon monoxide poisoning Electrocution or electric shock Fire
You Can Prevent Carbon Monoxide Exposure
American Red Cross Free Smoke Alarms…/smoke-alarm-request-nh-vt.html Need a smoke detector installed in your home? The American Red Cross, offers free smoke alarms and instillation. For more information please use the link above to register today! You can also check out there website at:
Chimney Fires Destroy Homes
Creosote buildup may not look dangerous, but it ignites at a mere 451 degrees F, and once it starts burning, it expands like foam sealant. In less than a minute, it builds to more than 2,000 degrees F and can engulf your entire chimney and destroy your home. Even if you clean your chimney regularly, you should still have…
Meet Kim Champagne, AKEMA’s new Finance – Planning Associate
Kim received her BS-Accounting from Bryant University in Smithfield, RI. She has 30 plus years of public accounting experience. Her and husband of 30 years, relocated to Caribou in 2017. When they are not working, they like to spend their time with their son and their animals, both enjoy a quiet lifestyle.
Meet Derrick Ouellette, AKEMA’s new Deputy Director
Derrick comes to Aroostook EMA excited to provide assistance to its citizens and other public safety entities. At a young age he always had an interest in public safety, because of the exposure he had from family members involved within it. He began volunteering and gaining work experience when he joined the county CERT team…
Caribou School Reunification Drill
The Aroostook County Emergency Management Agency would like to thank the Caribou Community School and the Caribou High School for allowing us to participate in their first practice of a full scale evacuation of students and staff. AKEMA staff observed the loading of students and staff onto buses and the unloading at the school’s relocation…
A home safety plan is an essential tool for keeping your family safe, as it establishes what to do in case of an emergency. All families should prepare for fire safety, natural disasters, power outages, extreme heat and cold. Families should have a plan to take care of any contingency. First you should Identify two safe…
Food safety tips for packing lunch box:
Before beginning any food preparation, always wash your hands with warm water and soap for 20 seconds and dry with a disposable paper towel or clean hand cloth. Clean food contact surfaces (e.g., countertop, cutting boards, utensils, etc.) often, between tasks, and if they become contaminated. Wash food contact surfaces with hot, soapy water and…
The Aroostook County ARES Team, had a great afternoon with the students and staff at Loring Job Corps. Members spoke on the importance of HAM Radio Communications, CERT Training and on the ARES Team itself.
Dental Emergency!
Accidents happen and knowing what to do when one occurs can mean the difference between saving and losing a tooth. Here are some tips for common dental emergencies: For a knocked-out permanent or adult tooth, keep it moist at all times. If you can, try placing the tooth back in the socket without touching the…
Personal Security in Troubling Times
We are aware of the heightened level of stress that world events such as what is going on in Ukraine can bring to each of us. We’ve been asked, “What can we do to prepare?” While we all know that you can’t prepare for everything, taking small steps in personal preparedness can be empowering and…
National Incident Management System
Overview for Senior Officials (Executives, Elected, and Appointed) Three Opportunities Available – Virtual Delivery via Zoom
2021 Aroostook County Hazard Mitigation Plan 2021
Are you a retired medical worker or someone who has time that would like to help during a disaster? Signing up for this program does NOT commit you, it simply puts you in a database that would get you information when there is a need. You decide if you are available or not when it…
Maine Basic Emergency Manager Training Program
Anyone wanting to learn more about Emergency Management or Local EMA Directors that want to excel should check into this recognition program. Feel free to reach out to us with suggestions. The Maine County Directors Council has updated their Maine Basic Emergency Manager 1 & 2 program. This is a great way for people to…
FLU VACCINE: Is it time for one?
Now’s the time to get your flu shot. The flu shot is covered for people with Medicare from providers that accept Medicare or your Medicare plan. You can safely get a flu vaccine at your doctor’s office, pharmacy, or other local provider. The flu can be very serious for people who are 65 years and older….
We invite your community to join!
Plan to be Prepared.
Aroostook County Flood Watch 2024
Follow us on Facebook at the link below for daily updates on County Flood Conditions:
Flood Safety Preparedness Week
March 10-14, 2025 March 10-14, 2025, is Flood Safety Preparedness Week Flooding is no stranger to some of our communities and can sometimes be quickly evolving or long in duration. In the last six years, ten large-scale flooding events made the list of ‘Billion-Dollar Disasters’ nationwide, not including an additional 22 flood-producing, landfalling tropical systems…
Surviving The Extreme Cold!
With feel like temperatures at or below minus -20 degrees. Here are some tips on preventing you and your family from freezing! – Minimize travel. – Stay indoors during the worst part of the extreme cold. – Keep a winter survival kit in your vehicle if you must travel. – Check tire pressure, antifreeze levels,…
Staying Safe on the Ice
Traversing icy walkways, sidewalks, driveways, and parking lots can be very dangerous and we have lots of ice during the winter months in Aroostook County.The National Safety Council estimates that falls cause more than 1,500 deaths and 300,000 injuries per year. Here are some ice safety tips to share with your loved ones.
Caribou Tech & Aroostook EMA
Members of the Aroostook County Emergency Management Agency visited students of the Caribou Technology Center today to discuss Hazardous Materials Awareness and First Responder Awareness Training. Students from Mr. Alther’s Fire Service Class and Mrs. Baker’s Criminal Justice Class spent a few hours learning about Haz Mat precautions, procedures, and terminology. They also spent some…