…/smoke-alarm-request-nh-vt.html Need a smoke detector installed in your home? The American Red Cross, offers free smoke alarms and instillation. For more information please use the link above to register today! You can also check out there website at:
Category: Emergency Alerts
Alerts and updated information regarding emergencies or disasters in Aroostook County, ME.
Chimney Fires Destroy Homes
Creosote buildup may not look dangerous, but it ignites at a mere 451 degrees F, and once it starts burning, it expands like foam sealant. In less than a minute, it builds to more than 2,000 degrees F and can engulf your entire chimney and destroy your home. Even if you clean your chimney regularly, you should still have…
Caribou School Reunification Drill
The Aroostook County Emergency Management Agency would like to thank the Caribou Community School and the Caribou High School for allowing us to participate in their first practice of a full scale evacuation of students and staff. AKEMA staff observed the loading of students and staff onto buses and the unloading at the school’s relocation…
A home safety plan is an essential tool for keeping your family safe, as it establishes what to do in case of an emergency. All families should prepare for fire safety, natural disasters, power outages, extreme heat and cold. Families should have a plan to take care of any contingency. First you should Identify two safe…
Food safety tips for packing lunch box:
Before beginning any food preparation, always wash your hands with warm water and soap for 20 seconds and dry with a disposable paper towel or clean hand cloth. Clean food contact surfaces (e.g., countertop, cutting boards, utensils, etc.) often, between tasks, and if they become contaminated. Wash food contact surfaces with hot, soapy water and…
Dental Emergency!
Accidents happen and knowing what to do when one occurs can mean the difference between saving and losing a tooth. Here are some tips for common dental emergencies: For a knocked-out permanent or adult tooth, keep it moist at all times. If you can, try placing the tooth back in the socket without touching the…
Personal Security in Troubling Times
We are aware of the heightened level of stress that world events such as what is going on in Ukraine can bring to each of us. We’ve been asked, “What can we do to prepare?” While we all know that you can’t prepare for everything, taking small steps in personal preparedness can be empowering and…
National Incident Management System
Overview for Senior Officials (Executives, Elected, and Appointed) Three Opportunities Available – Virtual Delivery via Zoom
2021 Aroostook County Hazard Mitigation Plan 2021
Are you a retired medical worker or someone who has time that would like to help during a disaster? Signing up for this program does NOT commit you, it simply puts you in a database that would get you information when there is a need. You decide if you are available or not when it…